Laura Holcomb shares needs, ideas & loves across languages and cultures.

She directs a brilliant interpreting and translation team at String & Can Multilingual Online and mentors other talented interpreters during the co>lab interpreting intensive.



I began my interpreting career over a decade ago in the halls of hospitals. I love healthcare interpreting. I am nationally certified both as a CMI and CHI, and have since gone on to earn a Master in Conference Interpreting.




Currently my conference interpreting energies get poured into String & Can Multilingual Online. We focus on really, really good interpreting and tech preparation for the online environment, for clients looking for truly meaningful exchange across languages.

My teaching passions get directed into structuring peer practice intensives for interpreters. Well, for people, in fact. Hearts that interpret and want to do it better and better everyday. The co>lab interpreting intensive is my home for this groove.


I always have my finger on the pulse of new platforms and tools coming out for online interpreting: VoiceBoxer, Kudo, QuaQua, Ablio, Rafiky… and making existing ones—i.e. zoom—better for interpreters.

We also just got through squishing third year med students together with beginning and very experienced healthcare interpreters in a recent 7 Sisters intensive: Lab7 Healthcare. Very fun.


Write me an email.

Send me a whatsapp.

+502 5054 7845

Ask me about interpreting, online and hybrid event set-ups, about making your online work more linguistically rich, diverse and inclusive, or, you know, whatever you want really.